Entity removal

Entity Removal and Depossession

Entity removal or compassionate de-possession (spiritual exorcism) frees one’s energy field of spirit attachments.

This work can be very broad with various experiences occurring from an entity in your home, to them attaching to you, to multiple beings infesting your space, right down to vexation, obsession, and possession by deceased human spirits or darker demonic entities.


If a spirit or entity attachment has been present for some time, and has become entangled in a persons energy field, living off their life force, they may not be able to differentiate the thoughts, emotions, dreams and behaviors as being separate from their own, whilst this overshadowing occurs from the entity.

This is generally known as “possession illness”.

Entity removal and or Compassionate Depossession ( spiritual exorcism) is a humane therapy that benefits both the client and the attached suffering being from whatever reality that being may come from, to be free of each other and for them to be able to move onto the next stage of their own existence.

Physical/Mental/Emotional symptoms of Spirit Attachment and or being Overshadowed include:

  • Noticeable but sometimes subtle changes in behavior or personality
  • Unfamiliar reactions to familiar situations
  • Sudden onset of unusual cravings, compulsions and or addictions
  • Substance abuse
  • Confusion
  • Apathy/Procrastination
  • Illness
  • Feeling another presence within or around you
  • Feeling constantly tired and unnaturally drained of energy
  • Sudden onset of acute anxiety or depression, phobias
  • Suicidal tendencies



Curse, Spell and Hex Removal

Curses, spells, and hexes are all forms of the occult and the dark arts that have been widely used throughout humanity’s existence by peoples of many cultures and spiritual practices.

These forms of sorcery can direct ill- intentioned energy towards targeted individuals, family linages, or minority groups bringing forth repetitive and unhealthy energetic patterns leading to ill health, bad luck and resistance to the positive outcomes of life.

Some of these energetic patterns that are felt in present day life can be rooted in past-life events or are passed down through the family lineages.

Symptoms of Curses, Spells and Hexes can include:

  • Compulsive thoughts,
  • A feeling of being under attack,
  • Chronic accidents,
  • Injuries, illness or other types of repeating “bad luck”.
  • Negative business outcomes
  • Loss of Power or life force

The unravelling and disentangling of these curses by the shaman can bring forth

an instant sense of freedom and with the necessary healing aftercare, return the positive life force to the individual allowing them to connect back to their natural bliss and to be free of any ill directed energy, allowing them to move forward in life with more positive outcomes.