Last aid is spiritual help geared towards the terminally ill or aged persons moving toward the end of their life cycle, preparing for their next transition to the afterlife.
This compassionate aid prepares one for the dying process. Allowing the dying to release many of their natural fears, pains, attachments, and some of their life’s regrets, through the recapitulation process and the power of forgiveness.
This practice allows the individual to create a vast space of immense peace and unconditional love, ultimately to cross over consciously. The pre-death practice creates a sacred space for family, friends and loved-ones to share and spend the most important time of one’s life together as they move towards the last stages of their journey back home.
Practices used during Last Aid can be catered to the individual’s religious beliefs and use meditation practices such as
as well as incorporating ceremonies like The Death Lodge.
The Death Lodge is where we dismember any fears of dying and open up safe loving lines of communication between the terminal and their loved ones. Thus allowing for real expressions of wants and needs in this trying time.
As the time arrives through Last Aid we call towards the dying their spiritual guides whether they are religious saints or their own ancestral spirit guides (pyschopomp beings) to come, open the portal and move them into their birthright of death and guide them home.
This time in every families life is very taxing on all, especially the loved ones left behind. Last aid offers love, care, guidance and practices for the family and loved ones of the deceased to help them understand and transition during this time.
Last Aid is the essential practice of dying consciously, that has often been overlooked in our modern western society. It is every human beings right to be able to cross over free of attachment/s and in a space of unconditional love, peace and contentment.