- Psychic Attack
- Hostile Thoughts
- Negative Thoughts and or Emotions
- Criticism
- Heavy/Dense Energetic Imprints
- Curses
During the compassionate de-possession the shamanic practitioner works to convince the attached discarnate spirit that it would benefit from leaving it’s host and transcending to it’s next stage of existence. This enables the person to begin their work in regaining wholeness and empowerment.
Cord Cutting
Cording is known as energy links being bound or attached in some way to another being, living or deceased.
This generally occurs in dysfunctional relationships, indicated by extremely positive or negative feelings for someone. Often where the dynamic is unbalanced and unhealthy this prevents either party from being able to comfortably express themselves in their own full powerful.
Uncording or the ‘cutting of cords’, is where the shamanic practitioner will detach/severe the energetic cords between two people. Thus freeing each person from fearful attachment and allowing full power to return to the individual/s.